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You are here » USA for everyone » News » Political news » Currently, the Russian media are spreading a large number of fakes

Currently, the Russian media are spreading a large number of fakes

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⛔️ Currently, the Russian media are spreading a large number of fakes

Some of them:
▪️ Russian offensive started in other directions – FAKE!
▪️ More than 500 missiles and 200 fighters were launched (approximate numbers) – FAKE!
▪️ Western embassies are being evacuated from Kyiv to Poland – FAKE!
▪️ Belarusians are also attacking, they are already running somewhere across the field – FAKE!
▪️ Zelensky has already been taken to a bunker in Poland – FAKE!



Apparently, they pour more money into propaganda than into the army.


You are here » USA for everyone » News » Political news » Currently, the Russian media are spreading a large number of fakes